ATMOS Global™ Advanced Meteorological and Air Quality Impact Forecasting™, Air Quality Management and Air Quality Control Services™
ATMOS-5D ™: Sentient Severe Weather and Risk of Air Quality Impact Forecasting Platform™
ATMOS Global ™ (ATMOS Global Pty Ltd) has been honoured as the recipient of the 'Most Innovative Atmosphere & Air Quality Consultancy 2023' global category at the prestigious Industrial Production and Manufacturing Awards (official press release) presented by The Business Concept.
ATMOS Global will continue building our decades long legacy of inspiring the adoption of high-end computer modelling and AI enhanced innovations to assist companies achieve better results, consider the benefits of leveraging their resources to their fullest potential and embrace adaptability and flexibility to take advantage of the opportunities available to them.
This brand-new programme is being introduced to celebrate the key players and leading innovators across this integral sector. Industrial Production plays a crucial role in the development of many other industries, ensuring that people all over the world have access to the products and services that shape their daily lives. The experienced team at The Business Concept has selected recipients using publicly available sources and a thorough set of assessment criteria. Their in-house researchers and judging panel have identified firms who have gone above and beyond over the past twelve months, rewarding those who have increased production volume, reduced waste, improved factory processes, and have been committed to excellence in both customer and employee satisfaction.
The Business Concept is designed to deliver the latest insights and features of businesses that have favoured the digital space and have thrived in the cut-throat industry. The Business Concept covers all aspects of the business world and breaks down each part to analyse what businesses of all different sizes, from each part of the world need to encompass to reach new heights of success.
ATMOS Global Pty Ltd has no affiliation or commercial association with The Business Concept. Our recognition and selection as winners in this category stem solely from their independent research team's evaluation.
In a significant acknowledgment of our outstanding contributions to the mining industry, ATMOS Global ™ officially announces (official press release) our nomination as a finalist in the Top 10 Mining Service Companies for 2023 by the esteemed evaluation panel of Metals & Mining Review Magazine.
The nomination reflects ATMOS Global ™'s unwavering commitment to excellence, innovation, and the highest standards in mining services. Our company's dedication to driving progress and providing cutting-edge solutions has positioned it among the elite finalists in this prestigious recognition.
"We are honoured to be recognised as a finalist in the Top 10 Mining Service Companies for 2023," said Dr Orestis D. Valianatos, Global President and CEO at ATMOS Global Pty Ltd. "This nomination is a testament to the hard work and dedication of our team, as well as our commitment to delivering exceptional service to our clients in the mining industry."
ATMOS Global ™ has consistently demonstrated its prowess in delivering top-notch mining services, contributing to the advancement and sustainability of the mining sector. Our company's innovative approaches, technological advancements, and focus on ESG stewardship have positioned us as industry leaders embodying our commitment to forward-thinking solutions and responsible corporate citizenship.
ATMOS Global ™ (ATMOS Global Pty Ltd) - 100% Australian owned company, a leading innovator in advanced forecasting technologies, launched globally on the 5th of
June 2023 our brand new platform ATMOS-5D ™: Sentient Severe Weather and Risk of Air Quality Impact Forecasting Platform™. This new Sentient release is the artificial intelligence (AI) version of our
original ATMOS-5D ™: Integrated 5D Global and Site Specific Air Quality Impact Forecasting, Air Quality Management and Air Quality Control Platform™ that was released to the global market in 2004.
The original ATMOS-5D ™ platform was presented by ATMOS Global ™ at the 2010 International Mining Magazine Congress.
Our news regarding ATMOS-5D Sentient™ has enjoyed coverage in more than 600 media outlets (reaching a potential audience of more than 10 million) including
Engineering News,
The Associated Press, Australian News Express, American Press, Daily Leader, Bloomberg Terminal, Business Chief, Washington City Paper (Washington DC), Australian Energy Journal, Canadian Insider,
Australian Post Observer, L'Observateur, Austin Daily Herald, News Edge, US Manufacturing Reporter, Lexis Nexis, Columbia Business Monthly, IT News Online, The Oxford Eagle, Washington Daily News, Global Energy Times, Times of San Diego,
International Manufacturing Update, World Energy Online, Fox 21, Asia News Digest, WCBD NBC 2, Global Business Watch, Benzinga, WSAV NBC3, Economic news Observer, State of the Union News,
Asia Pacific Herald, Global Reporter Journal, North America Today, etc.
A copy of our press release regarding the announcement of our ATMOS-5D ™: Sentient Severe Weather and Risk of Air Quality Impact Forecasting Platform™
can be accessed here.
ATMOS Global ™ is celebrating 29 years of air quality forecasting DNA evolution. For a detailed list of our recent achievements please visit the News section of our website here.
"By introducing ATMOS-5D Sentient™, we aim to redefine best practice and revolutionise the way the industry tackles the challenges posed by air quality impacts and severe weather events,"
said Dr Orestis Valianatos, Global President and CEO at ATMOS Global Pty Ltd. "Our system's super-intelligent AI algorithms and comprehensive data analysis enable businesses to proactively respond to potential risks and optimise their operations, ultimately enhancing safety, productivity, sustainability, asset protection, and empower organisations to decarbonise and achieve their NetZero targets. We have created a sophisticated ‘time machine’ that can be used to move back and forth through time to study impacts into the past, present and future. ATMOS Global’s team is honoured to continue our contribution to shaping the future of technology, industry and our society. We will continue building our decades long legacy of inspiring the adoption of high-end computer modelling and AI enhanced innovations to assist companies achieve better results, consider the benefits of leveraging their resources to their fullest potential and embrace adaptability and flexibility to take advantage of the opportunities available to them.”
Our cutting-edge ATMOS-5D Sentient™ platform integrates the latest advancements in atmospheric sciences, artificial intelligence (AI) techniques, data science and block-chain technology with our three decades of extensive expertise in the development
and practical application of advanced 3D weather prediction algorithms to offer unparalleled accuracy, efficiency and immersive user experiences which give us a distinct edge in the marketplace.
With the intensifying frequency and severity of severe weather and air quality events globally, the task of effectively managing risks associated with these events and meeting stakeholders' expectations using broad, non-site-specific regional-scale weather forecasts has
become increasingly challenging.
By providing site and operations-specific timely alerts and action-ready strategic intelligence, ATMOS Global ™’s intelligent and adaptive forecasting platform, ATMOS-5D ™, delivers value through paradigm shifting and dynamic
technologies and enables and empowers operations from the mining, manufacturing and energy industries to make informed data-driven and rules-based decisions, take proactive measures to mitigate risks, safeguard health and safety, achieve improved outcomes,
operational resilience and be more productive and profitable. With its sentient capabilities, our platform continuously learns and gains insight from vast amounts of available data, adapting its forecasting algorithms to evolving weather patterns and air quality
dynamics. Developed with a focus on user-centric design principles, ATMOS-5D ™ provides intelligent decision support, allowing users to analyse trends, visualise impacts and customise alerts according to their specific requirements creating real benefits for their
organisations and people and enabling proactive engagement with the local communities in which they operate.
ATMOS-5D Sentient™’s super-intelligent AI algorithms and comprehensive data analysis enable businesses to proactively respond to potential risks and optimise their operations and empower them to decarbonise and achieve their NetZero targets.
We have created a sophisticated ‘time machine’ that can be used to move back and forth through time to study impacts into the past, present and future.
Our ATMOS-5D ™ advanced forecasting platform has generated high spatial (under 1 km) and temporal (minute by minute) resolution forecasts on a global scale since 2006. We are using a SaaS (software as service) delivery model, our clients can access over the internet,
from any device with an internet connection the results generated by the platform via a purpose-built omni communication channel to ensure that all connections occur within a highly secure framework.
Our revolutionary world's first ATMOS Global Air Quality and Climate Change Academy® (registered as a trademark in Australia and USA in 2012)
creates the framework that assists our clients integrate the ATMOS-5D ™ platform’s results seamlessly with their existing infrastructure leading to upskilling and new ways of achieving increased engagement and enhanced productivity.
ATMOS-5D ™’s technical, syntactic, semantic and organisational interoperability enables a seamless flow of information that enhances productivity, reduces costs, improves efficiency, promotes collaboration and innovation. We manage all upgrades to our sophisticated
high-performance infrastructure and software thus eliminating the need for users to install, run and maintain any software on their own devices.
ATMOS Global ™ Air Quality and Sustainability Ambassadors™ have used our advanced ATMOS-5D ™ forecasting platform to assess and reduce severe weather and air quality impacts for the mining, manufacturing and energy industries around the world since 2004.
ATMOS Global ™ (ATMOS Global Pty Ltd) launched globally on the 7th of November 2013 our brand new first-of-its-kind platform for Dust, Odour, Bushfire Smoke and Noise Management: ATMOS-5D Super Combo ™. This new Super Combo version is an enhancement of the original ATMOS-5D ™: Integrated 5D Global and Site Specific Air Quality Impact Forecasting, Air Quality Management and Air Quality Control Platform™ that was released to the global market in 2004. The previous major ATMOS-5D ™ upgrade was presented by ATMOS Global ™ at the 2010 International Mining Magazine Congress.
A copy of our original press release regarding the announcement of our new ATMOS-5D Super Combo ™ system can be accessed here. Our news regarding ATMOS Global ™'s ATMOS-5D Super Combo ™ has enjoyed coverage in the following major national and international media: Mining Magazine, (InfoMine) and Mining Weekly.
ATMOS Global ™ has also published a series of high profile articles on our world's first air quality forecasting, management and control systems and global initiatives in prestigious international mining and business magazines. Please click here to access ATMOS Global ™'s list of published articles. Prospective Client Companies with active/proposed mining, manufacturing or energy operations that would like to receive news from ATMOS Global ™ via email are invited to register for our newsletters today by using this form.
The ATMOS-5D Super Combo ™ now includes highly specialised impact forecasting, management and control modules for dust, odour, bushfire smoke and noise emissions. The odour, smoke and noise forecasts are delivered through ATMOS Global ™'s Centre for Global and Site Specific Impact Forecasting, Management and Control ™ together with our dust impact forecasts™ that are now operating daily on five continents: Australia, North and South America, Asia, Europe and Africa.
This augmented service structure supports ATMOS Global ™'s expanded long-term global initiative, a ‘journey of 3,000 sites, one site at a time’™ in the pursuit and discovery of environmental excellence (regarding dust, odour, bushfire smoke and noise management), inspired by our 2030 vision. The ATMOS-5D Super Combo ™ provides mining, manufacturing and energy companies around the world access to specialised site-specific evidence-based guidance to improve their environmental management plans for their global operations.
ATMOS-5D Super Combo ™ takes our world’s first forecasting platform ATMOS-5D ™ to the next level. This accomplishment is the culmination of more than 10 years of research invested in the development of complex forecasting services by our team. We would like to take this opportunity to thank all our clients who have contributed to date to the improvement of our unique impact forecasting platform, ATMOS-5D ™, by using our in-depth forecasting expertise and world’s first portfolio of systems to minimise the impact of their operations on the environment and reduce their operating costs. We look forward to expanding our global client base as we continue to broaden our service offerings.
ATMOS Global ™ Air Quality and Sustainability Ambassadors™ have been developing and pioneering advanced three dimensional (3D) Numerical Weather Prediction and complex air quality modelling & forecasting tools for almost 20 years. Our journey started with a project aimed at assisting a national government agency in understanding the scientific and programing aspects associated with the implementation of one of the world's most advanced numerical weather prediction and photochemical modelling systems for country wide weather and air quality forecasts. We have established and maintained close professional relationships with world leading experts in atmospheric sciences, dispersion modelling and numerical weather prediction.
ATMOS-5D™ is a multi-component risk-based system available 24/7 to operations located anywhere in the world via a secure web-based interface.
ATMOS-5D™ offers operational managers useful guidance on the best approach to air quality management on a daily basis.
ATMOS-5D™ has also been used to undertake in-depth site specific risk assessments, design comprehensive air quality management plans and control company-wide real time automated response systems to protect human health and the environment (including amenity impacts).
The original name of our forecasting system ATMOS-5D™: Integrated 5D Global and Site Specific Air Quality Impact Forecasting™ <=> Air Quality Management <=> Air Quality Control Platform™ was officially 'coined' for the first time by ATMOS Global ™ in 2004. ATMOS Global™ has presented various applications of our unique and innovative air quality forecasting and management platform at numerous prestigious national and international scientific and industry specific conferences (please visit our news section for further details). ATMOS-5D ™ has been used to reduce air quality impacts and minimise air quality management costs for the mining, manufacturing and energy industries around the world since 2004. ATMOS-5D ™ is world's smartest air quality forecasting platform™ in our view.
ATMOS Global ™ launched on the 28th of November 2011 world’s first Center for Global and Site Specific Dust Impact Forecasting, Management and Control™ to offer to the mining industry on a global scale a next-generation digital approach to avoid or minimise the incidence and scale of environmental dust impacts.
Prospective client companies that are interested in learning more about ATMOS-5D™: Integrated 5D Global and Site Specific Air Quality Impact Forecasting™ <=> Air Quality Management <=> Air Quality Control Platform™ and the ATMOS-5D Super Combo ™ are invited to contact ATMOS Global's Air Quality and Sustainability Ambassadors™ for further information and a confidential phone consultation by using this form.
ATMOS Global ™, ATMOS-5D ™: Integrated 5D Global and Site Specific Dust Impact Forecasting <=> Dust Management <=> Dust Control Platform™, DustAlert+ ®: Artificial Intelligence Multi-factor Multi-parameter Dust Impact Early Warning System™, ATMOS-5D+™: Integrated 5D Global and Site Specific Dust Impact Forecasting and Management Platform for Mine Haul Road Dust Control™, Center for Global and Site Specific Dust Impact Forecasting, Management and Control™, ATMOS-5D Super Combo ™ and ATMOS Global Air Quality and Sustainability Ambassadors™ are trademarks of ATMOS Global™.
Please contact us to receive a detailed list of our expert air quality forecasting, air quality amnagement and air quality control consulting solutions and services and the dedicated website address.
was registered as a trademark by ATMOS Global ™ in Australia in 2006.

